Teaching Vulnerability in Clinical Supervision

Amir Levine Ph.D. A newer clinician I supervise recently asked me, “What do you believe is the most important quality a therapist should have?” Reflexively, I answered, “Access to our vulnerability.” Source: wowowG/Shutterstock In all my years of supervising clinicians…

How Uncertainty Causes Anxiety

Adam Omary Whole or skim milk? Take your normal route home or an unfamiliar potential shortcut? Flip a hypothetical trolley switch that would kill one person, saving five others. All of these decisions have two things in common: uncertainty and…

What We Can Do About the Teenage Mental Health Crisis

Douglas Newton M.D., M.P.H. Turning concerning headlines into positive action. If you are concerned after seeing repeated headlines sounding the alarm about a nationwide teenage mental health crisis, you are not alone, and there are things you can do to…

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How to Avoid Experiential Avoidance

Bruce Wilson Ph.D. “The resolution to avoid an evil is seldom framed till the evil is far advanced, as to make avoidance impossible.” –Thomas Hardy How do most people deal with unwanted experiences? They avoid them. They try to displace…

How Trauma Interrupts Each Stage of Lifespan Development

Kathleen Marriott B. Psyc (Hons) MSoH A traumatic event can occur at any stage of development and hinder growth and success; it can even stop development altogether. Interventions designed to help trauma interrupting development aim to create experiences of the…

The Power of Stepping Into the Unknown

A Personal Perspective: The heroic task of letting go of the familiar. Gregg Levoy  Stories of the “hero’s journey,” from Bilbo to Buddha, tell us that leave-taking is an essential, perhaps an essential task. Heroes must eventually leave the village or the...

More Myths About Exposure Therapy

Salene M. W. Jones Ph.D.All About Cognitive and Behavior Therapy KEY POINTS Exposure therapy is not right for all types of anxiety. Exposure therapy can look very different, depending on the source of the anxiety. Sometimes a way of coping…

How to Stay Psychologically Healthy at Any Age

Loren Soeiro, Ph.D. ABPP For the past several decades, the American population has been growing steadily older. As of late 2019, the number of American adults born into the Baby Boom generation (between 1946 and 1964) was estimated at about…

Four Steps to Better Self-Evaluation

Bruce Tulgan, JD More and more organizations are integrating a regular measuring practice into their cultures. The question is: What are they in the habit of measuring? Too often, what gets measured most is removed from what individuals feel they…

Feeling Empty? 7 Signs You’re Unconnected With Your Emotions

Jonice Webb Ph.D. Emptiness is one of the most painful feelings one can experience. Many people describe empty feelings as numbness, detachment, chronic or deep boredom, or a sense of being hollow in their bellies or chest. Like something is missing…

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