A Look Into Neurodiversity-at-Work Trends for 2024

Ed Thompson KEY POINTS At Uptimize, in working with organizations around the world to train and certify their professionals in neuroinclusion, we have a privileged and often exciting viewpoint into the global progression of neurodiversity at work. Today, we are seeing a…

Do Stress and Trauma Really Make You Age Faster?

Seth J. Gillihan PhD Folk wisdom tells us that major stresses can speed up the aging process, causing someone who has had a hard life to look older than their years. People often attribute going gray or losing their hair to a…

It’s Character—Not Personality—That Gives You a Healthy Life

Susan Krauss Whitbourne PhD, ABPP The idea of the Type A personality is built into popular psychology, with many people who do (and who don’t) fit the definition worrying that they’re destined for a lifetime of poor heart health. Even though the entire…

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How Our Environment Shapes Our Thoughts

Shane O’Mara D.Phil. ‘When you get up in the morning, you do not think about triangles and squares … You think about status. You think about where you are in relation to your peers. You’re thinking about your spouse, about…

Three-Quarters of Teens “Feel Happy” Away from Their Phones

Diana E. Graber M.A. Every year I challenge students—seventh graders—to go on a “screen vacation.” This means they have to avoid all screens for at least 24 hours, and write a short essay about their experience going offline. When I…

Are You Too Emotional?

Krystine I. Batcho Ph.D. Do some events make you unbearably sad, and others give you great joy? Your ability to be very happy despite times of profound sadness might seem to be a contradiction. More likely, you have a temperament…

Why Does a Difficult Childhood Affect Adult Mental Health?

Seth J. Gillihan PhD Early in my career, I interned for a year at a state psychiatric hospital. The men and women I worked with were dealing with serious mental illness, including depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, as well as substance use disorders. As I…

Ask This Question to Reduce Your Anxiety and Depression

Victoria Maxwell I have feelings about my feelings. When I get anxious, I start to feel anxious about my anxiety; when I start to feel depressed, I get more depressed about being depressed. And when I start to feel those feelings,…

How to Really Change Behaviors, According to Psychology

Clearer Thinking Today Suppose you want to eat healthier, exercise more, or avoid getting in arguments with your partner. Each of these requires behavior change, but changing behavior can be challenging. An important first step is to pick the right…

Mental Health Issues in the Workplace

Cara Gardenswartz Ph.D. Mental health concerns are increasingly prevalent and impactful in today’s dynamic work environments. Research suggests that one in five adults in the United States experiences a mental health condition each year, making mental health issues a significant…

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