Destinations For Teens Staff contribution

The medical and mental health communities view addiction in teens as a chronic and relapsing disease of the brain that causes compulsive drug-seeking behaviors and the use of drugs or alcohol despite negative consequences.

Initially, the decision to take drugs or alcohol is voluntary, but according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, or NIDA, continued drug or alcohol use causes physical changes in the structures and functions of the brain’s parts that control judgment and self-control. At Destinations for Teens, we offer teen residential addiction treatment to help those struggling with a substance use disorder heal and recover.


The brain’s prefrontal cortex is responsible for helping us maintain self-control, assess situations, and make good decisions. Because the prefrontal cortex of an adolescent’s brain is still developing, teenagers are at a higher risk of making poor decisions to begin with, and the changes to the brain that result from taking drugs during this critical period of development can have lasting consequences.

When teens use drugs or alcohol for the first time and experience the pleasurable effects of the unnaturally high levels of dopamine unleashed, the brain’s reward circuitry remembers the association between drugs and pleasant feelings, leading to addiction. Over time, the brain responds to the drug-induced flood of dopamine by reducing the amount of dopamine it produces or reducing the number of dopamine receptors. As a result, it can become difficult for a young person to feel pleasure without the presence of drugs. Also, due to these changes, it will begin to take higher doses of the drugs or alcohol to get the desired effect. This is known as tolerance, and eventually, it may lead to physical dependence on the drug, marked by withdrawal symptoms when it’s withheld from the body, according to NIDA.

Not everyone who takes drugs will become addicted, though. Whether an addiction develops is determined by a person’s genetic makeup and various environmental factors.


The more genetic and environmental risk factors your teen has regarding substance abuse, the higher the risk of developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Environmental risk factors include:

  • The presence of adults or older teens in the household abuse drugs or alcohol or engage in criminal behavior.
  • Having friends who abuse drugs or alcohol. Peer pressure is a powerful environmental factor for using drugs and becoming addicted to them.
  • Poor social skills. Many teens use drugs or alcohol as a “social lubricant” to reduce feelings of anxiety or shyness.
  • The availability of drugs at school.
  • Lack of parental supervision.

According to NIDA, biological risk factors and the effects of environmental factors on particular genes account for up to 60 percent of a person’s risk of becoming addicted to drugs. The biological risk factors for addiction include having a medical condition or mental illness, such as anxiety or depression, and having a close family member who is or has been addicted to drugs or alcohol.


Teens initially take drugs for various reasons, including alleviating stress-related disorders and low self-esteem or improving academic performance, such as when abusing stimulants, or sports performance, such as when abusing steroids.

Without adequate treatment, the addiction and its consequences – including damaged relationships, run-ins with the law, and physical and mental health problems – will likely worsen. Addiction treatment through a high-quality, holistic treatment program is based on identifying the underlying issues that led to the addiction in the first place and working to replace false or self-destructive attitudes and beliefs about oneself and the world with beliefs and attitudes that are healthy and productive. This is done through cognitive-behavioral therapy and other traditional and alternative therapies, such as:

  • Art Therapy
  • Biking Therapy Program
  • Dance Movement Therapy
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy
  • Experiential Therapy
  • Meditation Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • Recreational Therapy
  • Surf Therapy
  • Yoga Therapy

If your teen becomes addicted to drugs, this type of program can help them overcome the addiction and learn a great deal about themselves in the process, which goes a long way toward helping to ensure successful long-term recovery and preventing dangerous drug-abusing behaviors in the future.



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