Tardive Dyskinesia and Mental Illness

Editorial by John C. Riley Just recently I found out I have Tardive Dyskinesia and it is not inherited but it is linked to the antipsychotics I take. I am a disabled Veteran and I have talked about this before…

Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)

Cleveland Clinic / Editorial intro by John Riley Hello everyone, we apologize for missing a few days this week with our daily blog but we are working on something really great involving Virtual Reality and emersion therapy. Currently I am…

Using VR (Virtual Reality) to Treat Social Anxiety

Guest Author for www.rtor.org Currently I am working on a Virtual Reality emersion therapy that involves fear of heights and I wanted to delve more into alternative therapy with VR because I am passionate about working in this field and…

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Media and The Portrayal of Mental Illness Disorders

Integrative Life Center Movies and television shows, as well as other forms of entertainment, have the ability to shape how we see the world. However, the portrayal of mental illness in the media is not often one that is portrayed…


Windmill Wellness One of the most common challenges people struggling with addiction face is what to do instead of their bad habits. Some may fear they cannot have fun without drugs or alcohol, while others are simply new to sober…

Eating Well for Mental Health

Consuming fewer processed foods can lead to better brain and emotional health. Sutter Health Staff From a young age, we’re taught that eating well helps us look and feel our physical best. What we’re not always told is that good…

31 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health

Mental Health America 1. Track gratitude and achievement with a journal. Include 3 things you were grateful for and 3 things you were able to accomplish each day. 2. Start your day with a cup of co­ffee. Coff­ee consumption is linked to lower rates…

Indiana losing $4B per year on untreated mental illness report

Hayley DeSilva – Beckers Behavioral Health Researchers in Indiana have found that untreated mental illness is costing the state $4.2 billion per year, according to a report from the Indiana Behavioral Health Commission  The largest cost is related to premature mortality, which…

New Evidence That Therapy Can Make You Happier

Jim Davies In “All Eyes on Me,” a song from his new Netflix special Inside, the musician-comedian Bo Burnham pauses to ask, “You want to hear a funny story?” He tells us that, five years ago, he quit performing live because,…

Veterans speak about substance abuse and PTSD…in Virtual Reality

John Riley A friend of mine named Syrmor Shiraz also know as just “Syrmor” on Youtube is a interviewer who speaks to many people online in a therapy session atmosphere. He has 1.1 million subscribers and for some reason. I…

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